Address & XPUB

Get Address

You can get address of account using getAddress() function.

var coinType = DcentCLIConnector.coinType.ETHEREUM
var keyPath = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" // key path of the account

var result
    // Get Ethereum Address corresponding to keyPath
    result = await DcentCLIConnector.getAddress(coinType, keyPath)
    result = e


You can get xpub using getXPUB() function. The BIP32 key pass must be at least 2 depth or more.

var keyPath = "m/44'/0'" // key path of the account

var result
    // Get extended public key corresponding to keyPath
    result = await DcentCLIConnector.getXPUB(keyPath)
    result = e

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