You can get a signature value to sign a user message with that private key With a given key path (BIP32). The input message is prefixed with 'Ethereum sign message' and then hashed and signed.
var message ='This is a message!'var resulttry { result =awaitDcentWebConnector.getEthereumSignedMessage(message,"m/44'/60'/0'/0/0");} catch (e) {console.log(e) result = e}
You can get a signature value to sign message with that private key With a given key path (BIP32). The input data is hex string format. The input data is hashed and signed.
var message ="0x1901f2cee375fa42b42143804025fc449deafd50cc031ca257e0b194a650a912090feb4221181ff3f1a83ea7313993ca9218496e424604ba9492bb4052c03d5c3df8"var key ="m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"var resulttry { result =awaitDcentWebConnector.getSignedData(key, message);} catch (e) {console.log(e) result = e}
You can get a signature value to sign a user message with that private key With a given key path (BIP32). The input message is prefixed depending on the coin type and then hashed and signed.
var message ='This is a message!'var key ="m/44'/60'/0'/0/0"var resulttry { result =awaitDcentWebConnector.getSignedMessage( DcentWebConnector.coinType.ETHEREUM, key, message);} catch (e) {console.log(e) result = e}