Polkadot Parachain
Sign Transaction
The D'CENT Web SDK provides functions for signing transaction of coins.
Supported Coin Type
Parachain - Astar(ASTR)
Parachain Asset- Astar Asset(XC20)
unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Polkadot Docs
path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/810'/0'/0/0").
fee: fee, It is fee that wallet displays on the screen.
symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
decimals: Parachain's decimals.
RPCUrl: Network RPC endpoints.
fee symbol: fee's symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.
fee decimals: fee's decimals.
D'CENT Bridge
version 1.5.3 or higher is required.D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.30.1 or higher is required.
Returned response object
Please note that for Astar EVM
transactions, you can use the getEthereumSignedTransaction() and getTokenSignedTransaction() methods with the chain ID set to 592.
Last updated
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