XRPL (XRP Ledger)

Sign Transaction

Supported Transaction Types

The following transaction types are supported on D'CENT Biometric wallet.

For your reference, All transaction types for XRPL can be found here.


Supported Coin Type

  • XRP(Ripple)

Parameters :

  • transaction: this value conforms JSON format of Transaction Types in XRP Doc.

  • key: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/144'/0'/0/0").


  • D'CENT Bridge version 1.1.4 or higher is required.

  • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.4.0. or higher is required.


const transactionJson = {
    "TransactionType": "AccountSet", // or use defined value `dcent.xrpTxType.AccountSet`
    "Account": "rfQrsnD8ywrgSX457qshpBTDru7EDnM2Lb",
    "Fee": "10",
    "Sequence": 34,
    "MessageKey": "02000000000000000000000000415F8315C9948AD91E2CCE5B8583A36DA431FB61",
    "Flags": 2147483648, // if exist then D'Cent check that `tfFullyCanonicalSig` is set?

var result
try {
    result = await dcent.getXrpSignedTransaction(transactionJson, "m/44'/144'/0'/0/0");    
} catch (e) {
    result = e

Returned response object:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "ripple",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "get_sign",
        "parameter": {
            "sign": "3045022100e81c9e2...8e373e30b8f5e0a33eb094ffc7c8d009ad71fd7581b6b89ef9",
            "pubkey": "02c65f2a496909123973282c47edbd0e760bb44bb0d87ec1b30115b2ce3072c766",
            "accountId": "462a5a061ebe03fb52e5bca443233bcc6d0e9699"

Send a Multi-Signed Transaction

  • Reference the XRP Doc

  • Multi-signing a Transaction

    1. First, prepare by referring to Set Up Multi-Signing (You can get address of account using getAddress() function.)

    2. Get signature


// You can use xrp library for encoding
//const api = require('ripple-binary-codec')
//const addrs = require('ripple-address-codec')

const transactionJson = {
    "TransactionType": "Payment",
    "Account": "rfQrsnD8ywrgSX457qshpBTDru7EDnM2Lb",
    "Fee": "30", // normal cost * (1 + N)
    "Sequence": 45,
    "Amount": "1234567",
    "Flags": 2147483648,
    "Destination": "rJZMdVmbqFPi5oMyzGKJhHW9mNHwpiYKpS",
    "SigningPubKey": "", // Must be blank

var result
var signer = {}
try {
    // Keypath is SignerEntry's key path
    result = await DcentWebConnector.getXrpSignedTransaction(transactionJson, "m/44'/144'/1'/0/0");
    signer = {
        "Account": "rBV2LGGm5XAc5KbL7hBaPnLnUJ5aTQzVj9", // addrs.encodeAccountID(Buffer.from(result.accountId,'hex'))
        "SigningPubKey": result.pubkey,
        "TxnSignature": result.sign
} catch (e) {
    result = e

For broadcast the sign transaction, you must reconstruct transaction include TxnSignature & SigningPubKey for normal (single-signature) or Signers array for multi-signed-transaction

Last updated