Hedera (HBAR & HTS)

Get Public Key

In order to get public key for Hedera Account, you can use getAddress() function.

If you use DcentCLIConnector.coinType.HEDERA as a coinType parameter for getAddress() function, you can get public key for the private key of the BIP44 path.

For more detail about getAddress(), please see the below section.

Sign Transaction

Supported Transaction Types

For your reference, all transaction types for Hedera can be found here.


Supported Coin Type

  • Hedera(HTS)

Parameters :

  • unsignedTx: unsigned hexadecimal tx Hedera Docs

  • path: key path, wallet sign with that private key with a given key path (BIP32 ex) "m/44'/144'/0'").

  • symbol: symbol, It is a symbol that the wallet displays on the screen.

  • decimals: hedera or hts token's decimals.


  • D'CENT Biometric Wallet version 2.19.3. or higher is required.

  • This feature is tested with Hedera JavaScript SDK v2.8.0


const _buf2hex = (buffer) => { // buffer is an ArrayBuffer
return Array.prototype.map.call(new Uint8Array(buffer), x => ('00' + x.toString(16)).slice(-2)).join('');
const client = HederaSDK.Client.forMainnet()
const nodeList = client._network.getNodeAccountIdsForExecute()
const validStart = Timestamp.generate()
const fromAccountId = AccountId.fromString('accountIdString')
const txId = new TransactionId(fromAccountId, validStart)
const tx = new HederaSDK.TransferTransaction()

// when you transfer hbar
tx.addHbarTransfer(fromAccountId, HederaSDK.Hbar.fromTinybars('-' + amountTinybar))
tx.addHbarTransfer('toAccountIdString', HederaSDK.Hbar.fromTinybars(amountTinybar))

// or you can transfer token like this.
tx.addTokenTransfer(contractAddress, fromAccountId, HederaSDK.Hbar.fromTinybars('-' + amountTinybar))
tx.addTokenTransfer(contractAddress, 'toAccountIdString', HederaSDK.Hbar.fromTinybars(amountTinybar))

tx.setNodeAccountIds([nodeList[nodeList.length - 1]])

const bodyBytes = tx._signedTransactions[0].bodyBytes
const unsignedTx = _buf2hex(bodyBytes)

const transactionJson = {
    unsignedTx: unsignedTx,
    path: `m/44'/3030'/0'`,
    symobl: HBAR,
    decimals: 8,

var result
try {
    result = await dcent.getHederaSignedTransaction(transactionJson);    
} catch (e) {
    result = e

Returned response object:

    "header": {
        "version": "1.0",
        "response_from": "hedera",
        "status": "success"
    "body": {
        "command": "transaction",
        "parameter": {
            "signed_tx": "0x31aa13b5e04cb6fc6381ea0520bf7f6727ebdb6e96cd7ca8625bb3e3dd36cf0e2cee4ece13aa9f7ddc09ee10c74aa00af954201829d8016317f10f5a921dcc0d",
            "pubkey": "0x9a5c753d02038e512c06867556324b37181c9c1fc19c21c27752c520e8f0d822"

Last updated