Klaytn network
How to integrate with D'CENT wallet for dapps on Klaytn network.
D'CENT mobile app's in-app browser injects window.klaytn
& window.caver
as providers. If your dapp is based on Klaytn network, you can interact with D'CENT wallet through window.klaytn
& window.caver
If your dapp is already integrated with Kaikas
D'CENT wallet's provider uses the same provider interface with Kaikas. It means if your dapp is already integrated with Kaikas, it's very easy to integrate with D'CENT wallet.
For your reference, you can also find the Kaikas' developer guide in the below link.
Kaikas Developer Guide : https://docs.kaikas.io/
How to detect in-app browser
In order to check if your dapp running on Klaytn is supported dapp-browser, you need to check whether window.klaytn
is defined.
How to check D'CENT provider
You can check whether the dapp browser is D'CENT wallet's in-app browser with the following code.
Connect to Wallet
You can use the following code in order to connect to D'CENT wallet's account.
Wallet Connection UI
If the connection to wallet is requested, you can see the popup like below.
Get the current network
To get the current network ID, you can use the following code.
By checking the network ID, you can know which network is currently connected to.
Network ID
Network Name
Klaytn Mainnet
Klaytn Testnet Baobab
Get the current account's address
To get the address of the current account, you can use the following code.
Send Transaction
By using ethereum.sendAsync
method to call klay_sendTransaction
, you can send the transaction. The following is the example code to show how to send the transaction. (This example is copied from Kaikas docs)
You can also see more examples on the Kaikas Developer Guide.
Last updated
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