Tron network

How to integrate with D'CENT wallet for dapps on Tron network.

D'CENT mobile app's in-app browser injects window.tronWeb & window.sunWeb as providers. If your dapp is based on Tron network (or SUN Network DAppChain), you can interact with D'CENT wallet through window.tronWeb & window.sunWeb providers.

D'CENT wallet's provider uses the same provider interface with TronLink. It means if your dapp is already integrated with TronLink, it's very easy to integrate with D'CENT wallet.

For your reference, you can also find the TronLink integration guide in the below link.


D'CENT in-app browser provide TronWeb instance through window.tronWeb. You can find more detailed information about TronWeb in the Tron's developer guide.


D'CENT in-app browser provide SunWeb instance through window.sunWeb. You can find more detailed information about SunWeb in the Tron's developer guide.

Last updated