If you want to change the label of device, you can do it using setLabel() fucntion.
var result
result = await DcentCLIConnector.setLabel("IoTrust")
result = e
After execute above code, you can see the modified label on your device when reboot the device.
Add & Sync Account
You can add account using syncAccount() function. You can create an account by specifying the coin type and key path of the account you want to add. If you want to add token type coin account, you must specify the coin name as the first 14 digits of contract address.
let account_infos = [{
coin_group: DcentCLIConnector.coinGroup.ETHEREUM,
coin_name: DcentCLIConnector.coinName.ETHEREUM,
label: 'ETHEREUM_1', // account label
balance: '0 ETH', // {String} balance of account. This string will be displayed on device.
address_path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0" // key path of the account. This address_path is displayed on the device with the corresponding address and QR code.
var result
// Ethereum account will be created.
result = await DcentCLIConnector.syncAccount(account_infos)
result = e
syncAccount() method can be used also for updating account. If the account of the specified key path is already exist, the syncAccount() method do not create account just sync the account information. For example, if you want to change the label of account or modify the balance, you can use the syncAccount() method.
let account_infos = [{
coin_group: DcentCLIConnector.coinGroup.ETHEREUM,
coin_name: DcentCLIConnector.coinName.ETHEREUM,
label: 'ETH_1', // account label
balance: '1 ETH', // {String} balance of account. This string will be displayed on device.
address_path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/1" // key path of the account. This address_path is displayed on the device with the corresponding address and QR code.
// This Ethereum account is already created.
// So the Ethereum account label and balance will be just modified.
var result
// Ethereum account will be updated.
result = await DcentCLIConnector.syncAccount(account_infos)
result = e
Accounts are distinguished by account' in address_path.
let account_infos = [{
coin_group: DcentCLIConnector.coinGroup.ETHEREUM,
coin_name: DcentCLIConnector.coinName.ETHEREUM,
label: 'ETH_2', // account label
balance: '0 ETH', // balance of account. This string will be displayed on device.
address_path: "m/44'/60'/1'/0/0" // key path of the account. This address_path is displayed on the device with the corresponding address and QR code.
var result
// A New Ethereum account is created.
result = await DcentCLIConnector.syncAccount(account_infos)
result = e
Retrieve Account
You can retrieve account list of connected device using getAccountInfo() function.
var result
// A New Ethereum account is created.
result = await DcentCLIConnector.getAccountInfo()
result = e